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tv   Melissa Harris- Perry  MSNBC  June 30, 2013 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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just who was on trial in florida this week. plus the president's speech on the law enforcement. msnbc is coming to new orleans and we're bringing a free clinic with us. first, the first first black president and what he means to so many of us. good morning, i'm melissa harris-perry.
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thank you for joining us. there is great significance in president obama's trip to africa this week. the president is traveling through three african countries in his first major political trip to the continent. the focus, to develop the investment relationship between africa and the u.s. but the importance of this trip is about much more than economic development, the president's trip couldn't come at a more critical time given the health of nelson mandela, the man who is synonymous with south africa's troubles and triumphs. imprisoned, he emerged try unant and undaunted. he would cast hires first vote in 1994, the same year he became the first black president in history. it's an undeniable link they share as the first black presidents of their respective
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countries. it's not the only link. in a week affirmative action and voting rights saw setbacks from the supreme court mandela's importance as the figure who clearly links the struggles in africa with civil rights is abundantly clear, while he embraced gandy, informed by the civil rights movement in the u.s. one of the first pauses for us here in a post civil rights movement world were the campaigns against apartheid in africa. >> my first act in the anti-apartheid movement in 1970 and 80 because i was inspired in
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what was going on in africa. >> our involvement in africa gave americans beneficiaries of our parents' battles for civil rights here the chance to support our brothers and sisters there. it was our chance to support their continued struggle that culminated in what was once thought to be impossible, the next of nelson mandela. as our first black president tours africa, the well-being and possible loss of mandela is on everyone's mind. even president obama's. >> i think he's a hero for the world. if and when he passes from this place, one thing i think we'll all know is that his legacy is one that will linger on throughout the ages. >> as we witness the supreme court-imposed sunset of key civil rights achievements here in the u.s., we are simultaneously seeing the sunset of one of the greatest living embodiments of nonviolent resistance and change.
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because of our movement for civil rights and because they are inextricably linked, feels like a sad end note to a brilliant legacy of nelson mandela. while president obama makes history on his first official trip to the african continent, i can't help but ask, where do we go from here. for the latest on president obama's trip and nelson mandela's health i'm joined by ron allen in south africa in front of mandela's home which is now a museum. nice to see you this morning, ron. >> reporter: good morning. >> what is the latest on mandela's condition? >> it's unchanged from critical. at this point he's stable is the best we know. we believe he's on a ventilator helping him breathe. we know president obama was not able to visit him yesterday because of his condition, because the president didn't want to create such a huge scene he did speak to nelson mandela's
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wife by phone. we don't know if she was in the room with nelson mandela when he called, perhaps she was. perhaps they were together. we know president obama met with several of mandela's daughters, grandchildren. apparently a moving and emotional visit involving mr. obama and the mandela family. a very emotional time here, of course. people are very anxious about word. at this point, for the past few days, things have remained stable, critical. the last word we heard was that he was improving, if slightly, but still very unwell. >> ron, you talked about the emotion there. i know you lived in that country for a while. you have deep ties there. how are the president and first lady being received there in south africa? >> reporter: well, president obama, this time around, it feels like a business trip. a lot of talk about trade. of course, the reason for that is to some extent nelson mandela's health hangs heavy over everything that happens
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here. there have been no big huge celebrations. there are no big welcoming crowds. it's really a business trip with a lot of reflections by roh about nelson mandela. we know he and the family, first family left the island where nelson mandela was imprisoned so many years. he's about to give a speech in capetown where he will give reflections and thoughts about nelson mandela and the impact on his own night. that's the keynote highlight of the president's business here. he's going to talk about trade, business opportunities. he's going to talk about continuing relief on the area of aids and education. he's also going to talk about a program to help half a dozen african countries add electricity to their power grid. there's two-third of africa that don't have power. a summit of african leaders coming to washington. again, the general mood here is
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one that's somewhat subdued. no big celebratory crowds. there is a narrative about disappointment people on the continent have in president obama. it echos the same sentiment people here in same corners of african-american community there. high expectations but dismoment he hasn't focused more time here in the black community like he has there. for the most part he's receiving a warm welcome particularly from young people who idolize him and see him as an inspiration. >> as always, i appreciate your reporting so much. thank you for being there for us in south africa. joining me at the table to discuss the president's trip to africa and the legacy of nelson mandela athe first african-american woman to integrate university of georgia. and research director at enough project that works to end
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genocide against humanity. thank you for being here. i want to start with you charlene. i tried to set up there's this deep interconnection between blacks in america and civil rights struggle here and anti-apartheid movement mandela embodies. there's angst over that relationship. how would you characterize that. >> talked about young people. many are born frees, many of them after nelson mandela was released. their connection to the past is extremely limited. when you ask young people about the civil rights in america they know two names, martin luther king and rosa parks. it's the same in south africa. the young people there are so disenchanted about their situation. fifty percent of the population in africa are young people.
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very few of them are getting quality education. very few are prepared for a modern industrial society. so i think there's anxiety. so i don't know how far inspiration takes you when you're confronted with such challenging situations. one hopes that as michelle obama told the young people yesterday, no matter how hard it is, you have to keep on keeping on. but at some point they are going to have to have something substantive. they are going to have to have an educational system that responds. another thing you'll appreciate and so will our guest here, there's a discussion going on in america here now, as well as there, that went on between w.e.b. dubois and booker t. washington. so south africa has been lining up potential vocational schools. my understanding is that they are not in place. that may have to eventually happen in order to absorb these millions of young people who
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have no options. >> when you describe that, again, i get this sense of the ways in which our nations and narratives are so interconnected. this notion of young people facing structural reality, disconnected from history that is as recent as in living memory but the sense of challenges they face around economic and social opportunity seem to be larger than what this history is. so in both spaces, mark, how do we -- the president is there, as ron said, on a business trip. $7 billion he's talking about for power. how do we move towards these structural solutions? >> i think that the events the supreme court decisions, especially the ones on voting rights, gutting the voting rights act, and now thinking about the possibility of mandela dying soon reminds me how slow and fitful social change can be. >> that arc of history. >> exactly. just because there was an
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election in '94 and there was such hope, both of us were in south africa then. it was incredibly dicey at times. then when it finally came off and they had the election and amc won, it was extraordinary. there was such hope. i remember having breakfast the day after results announced with black south african friends, people classified as south african in the old days, who were saying this is the first time this felt like their country. but that doesn't mean that election could overturn centuries of economic, physical and psychological violence that the apartheid carried out against the people. we're seeing with the overturning of the voting rights act is not something that happens because of one person or one event. >> also a story we had to learn post 2008. i was in south africa in 2009
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and was on a tour of one of the townships and we told them -- we lived in new orleans. my husband and i sepd said, yeah, we live in new orleans. the language -- the sentence the man said, i am sorry your government hates you. we saw what happened in katrina. i'm sorry your government hates you. i thought, wow, the sense that what we experienced in the context of katrina would evoek someone living in the township south africa that that was the government that had done wrong by its people. how do we move beyond the symbolic and move to a set of relationships where what the u.s. is doing in its partnership with south africa isn't just charitable or inspirational but is structurally important for assisting both countries. >> well, one of the things that has to happen. i understand you have a guest who is going to talk about this buchlt you know, china has been in there big time, longer than -- in the whole continent. china doesn't go in with
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preconditions like respect for human rights, which is one of the preconditions america has always had. but the more -- and so american investment in south africa private sector is lagging behind the chinese and all of the so-called bric countries like brazil and turkey and china and so forth. so if that investment goes in there, there has to be some way, and i'm not an economist or social planner to involve these young people. you know, the positive thing about 1994 and young people was that more young people entered school in 1994 than prior, more young black people. but what has happened subsequently, they haven't had the support, the counseling, whatever you want to call it, to help them stay in school. so somehow you've got to accommodate those young people who are not prepared and maybe it would be through the kind of investment that these businesses can make, although most of them
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are not going to be, you know, those that plemploy a lot of people. >> the issues you're bringing up is exactly where we'll go after the break, the business trip aspect of president obama's trip to africa. up next we'll talk about president obama's legacy in africa versus that of presidents bush and clinton. we know there's one clinton moment in africa that he can never top. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪ our business needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business? i need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, small business solutions from at&t have the security you need to get you there.
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make no mistake about it,
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president obama's trip to africa this week is very significant. it's the president's first official trip to the continent where he'll visit senegal, south africa and tanzania. while the trip is noteworthy for its economic focus, in comparison to his two predecessors, president obama's policies and direct dealings with africa seem to come up short. president clinton hosted nelson mandela after elected as first host of africa. while did little to stop genocide in 1994, it was president clinton who offered in 1998 to offer apology for the failure of the international community to do anything to prevent it. it was clinton who signed african growth and ton act in 2000 which increased aid to subsarahan africa. in 2002, president george w. bush began his push to end aids in afc. >> today my administration plans to make $500 million available
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to prevent mother to child transmission of hiv. this new effort which will be funded over the next 16 months will allow us to treat 1 million women annually and reduce mother to child transmission by 40%. >> bush furthered that initiative in 2002 state of the union address when he proposed pet far which committed $15 billion over five years to fight the disease in the nation's most afflicted in africa and caribbean. president bush is so committed in africa that he and his wife are there now in zambia promoting their cancer fighting initiative. some might argue president obama leads u.s. not africa, this signals he knows he must do more. in fact, later today he will do just that with multi-billion dollar initiative to double subsarahan abscess to electricity within a decade. back at the table joining me
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director of center for research and black culture and author of "the condemnation of blackness." also also columnist at thanks for being at the table. i want to ask about this. ron allen suggested some anxiety about president obama, there hasn't been enough. his immediate predecessors, president clinton and bush had apparently better records. is the president there to shore up his legacy on the cont then? >> i think so. part is explained as a check the box tour. two trips seems to be a quota and he's running out of time. we're in the midst of recent decisions by the supreme court. the opportunity, i think, for him to make a mark is now. he's taking advantage of that
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opportunity. to the extent this will not transform anyone on the continent is certainly the question of the hour. there's no question that for him this had to happen. >> gordon, i wonder, the legacy seems to be better for clinton and george w. bush, they also had a relationship with the continent that was charitable, for the most part or about the foreign policy questions around genocide. does this president have the opportunity to enter into something quite different, africa as a partner, equal partner in economic relationships. >> i think that's important. what we see with president obama is, of course, the inspirational figure. also he's giving space to africa to develop on its own. he's talked about that. this is important. this is not the developed world helping africa but is the african world building itself. that's been obama's view. with the power and initiative creates the infrastructure for africa to take advantage of the
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freedom mandela brought to the continent. >> it seems to me that part of what is also happening in the u.s. in terms of policy this week, immigration reform pass the senate but not probably going to die in the house, we always talk about immigration reform as those from south america, central america but also part of the public partnership, not just goods and services but people moving back and forth across these borders. >> to that point i want to say harlem is one of the largest legalese in the state. the president's relationship both to united states and connection to african immigrant in the united states. there's difference between
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senegale senegalese. this is a relationship to the party he is. you would think there's a natural connection. the president visited harlem before senegal election at the center in harlem to great ceremony just a couple years ago. you have to sort of think about how he's not taken advantage of six years of his presidency in cultivating a more authentic relationship prosecute of with african communities in the u.s. i want to ask why these particular countries. the president is there in south africa. we talked about that connection. he went to senegal. he's not going anywhere east. obviously it's an enormous continent. i'm wondering why these countries and not others on this trip. >> for one thing in the east, there's a problem in kenya. >> yes. >> the international criminal court has indicted the new president of kenya, mr. kenyatta. although that probably is going to go away, i think that would have been very difficult.
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i think unlike what hillary clinton did, here, here, here, she was in did -- as she travel around. it sort of relates to one of the things mr. mohammed was talking about. a lot of these africans in the united states send money home to their people. i'm told that in the last few years given the economy downturns here and around the world, those contributions have been getting less and less. a critical thing. this goes back to the u.s.-africa, china-africa thing. i think one of the things that has been a problem is this in assistance on human rights. the one thing i think president obama did in senegal very publicly was to affirm the rights of gay and lesbian people right there with the president
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of senegal who had to say, well, we don't go for that. i think it is really important for a country that does have in its constitution all these guarantees, even though they aren't met in this country to articulate those for this young struggling democracies trying to find their mature feet. right now they are doing baby steps. >> this point. thank you so much for joining us. when we come back, the folks that have, in fact, been traveling extensively on the continent and the different kinds of messages around human rights. this morning we are seeing pictures of president obama touring the island where president mandela was imprisoned to many years. coming up next we'll talk about the president in africa. his focus on china. we'll explain when we get back. [ panting ]
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i'm here in africa because i think the united states needs to engage in a continent full of promise and possibility. i think it's good for the united states, regardless of what others do. i actually welcome the attention take africa is receiving from countries like china and brazil and india and turkey. >> that was president obama saturday in south africa responding to a question about china's economic involvement in africa, whether the united states feels threatened by it. according to africa research institute, hein is not only the leading bilateral trade partner but increased its investment in the continent 30 fold from 2003 to 2011. looks likes the u.s. has a lot
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of catching up dad. joining me amy good within host and executive producer of democracy now. the president, first place he goes is africa, travels all over the continent. is that why we are there as a country now. >> i think that's part of it. also, you see the united states has long-standing themes in asia and africa. they really have very little to do with china. president obama was going to make this trip, visit democracies regardless whether the chinese was there. there is an economic impact. chinese has been outinvesting and outtrading. when you look at the numbers, china's trade with africa was $200 billion. ours was a little under $100 billion. this is stunning numbers. i don't think this is sustainable. but nonetheless -- >> china's relationship is not sustainable or ours isn't. >> china's relationship is not sustainable for a lot of reasons.
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when he went there in march he was on the offensive because had to rebut charges of neo-colonialism. chinese have basically been extracting raw materials from africa and selling in manufactured goods. what's worse you have a lot of chinese workers in africa doing jobs that really should be done by african workers. >> that question of neo-colonialism and whether or not the mineral extraction benefits africa. that is a centuries old question. when we look at the question of china and its investment, is it an investment policy or neo-colonial policy? >> it's neo-colonial period in the late 19th century, early 20th century. the resource extraction, the refining of those resources elsewhere and selling back of manufactured goods doesn't necessarily help the african economies as much as they should. we're also seeing, too, that the
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resource curse that many african countries have fallen prey to, having large amounts of incredibly natural resources has helped to fuel continents -- i should say conflicts across the continent in eastern congo, in sudan. and you see china and other countries that are interested in extracting those resources not necessarily helping to end the conflicts but helping fuel the conflicts by their incredible need, demand for these services. >> that point in the public discourse around what africa is, i think we can think of it as this dark continent we have no particular relationship. when we do see civil wars or genocides they are described as ancient, tribal rather than related to things occurring as a result of our own economic poll advertise. i wonder as the u.s. clearly
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seems to be positioning itself as a challenger to china economically is it attempting to offer human rights or democracy platform that is different than what china brings? >> this is a critical opponent you raise about wars being considered tribal rather than wars for resources. democratic of congo, such a resource rich country, so many millions of people have died. what the united states brings to africa sadly right now on the one hand, extracting resources perhaps not quite as much as china but very seriously there with its oil companies and human rights are not the focus of these oil companies, spend time in niger delta, shell, chevron, it's about drilling and killing sadly enough. host communities do not benefit very much. but you also have to look at what president obama is not talking about but which is very much a presence of united states
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and africa, that's it's militarism, the drone attacks taking place in yemen and somalia, these are very serious. >> those drones take off from african nations. >> but they are the u.s. >> the u.s. relies on african nations for the militaristic base. is this the way the united states wants to be seen in africa, a source of militarism on the continent. that's why the u.s. has a serious presence there and it's growing. >> more on these topics when we come back. ♪ and she forgot to pay her credit card bill on time. good thing she's got the citi simplicity card. it doesn't charge late fees or a penalty rate. ever. as in never ever. now about that parking ticket. [ grunting ] [ male announcer ] the citi simplicity card is the only card that never has late fees, a penalty rate, or an annual fee, ever. go to to apply.
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the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ we're back and talking about the complicated economic and political relationships between china, u.s. and continent of africa. >> so the university of johannesburg will be giving the president an honorary doctorate soon. it has elicited a storm of protests in and around
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johannesburg because young people, students feel the president is undeserving of the honor in the wake of what they call u.s. imperialism. they are citing what amy talked about as the reason for calling into question the priorities of a president who is essentially using africa as a platform to wage u.s. interest in the middle east. >> have these students also had similar discourse over the relationship of china on the continent? i'm wondering if the u.s. and china are seen as differently? >> in this most recent round of protests, i'm not familiar with that. there aren ghana attacks on miners as a response to the exploitive nature as they see it of the presence of chinese coming and taking their natural resources away from them. >> president obama did talk during his trip in africa about the nature of the relationship
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between the continent and countries investing in it and said it needs to be more sustainable. you can't have relationships where countries come in and take out raw materials. i think that's very important. because he said you need to bargain better with foreign countries doing business in africa. i think that's shutly tension. he's talking about equal relationship. i know that it's very hard to get there but at least we're getting to a point where we can have those conversations and start to implement them. his power initiative is important because it does create that infrastructure africa needs for its economic takeoff. what we're seeing, five to ten of the world's fastest growing economies in africa. you ad libbia, that's six. this is the new asia. >> let me ask, what incentives and structure other than a moral or ethical discourse exist for generating a more fair and human rights and democratic way of doing business both for us and the country of china.
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it's one thing to say it should be that way. it's another thing to say here are the market incentives and geopolitical incentives to make it happen. >> it's coming from the ground, not the leaders, and people pushing very hard. i was recently in durbin for the climb change talks. i know we'll talk about climate change later. thousands of young people gathered around the world concerned about the land grab. that's an issue in china, africa, saudi arabia buying up large tracts of land so they will provide for their people. corporations using this and leasing the land because africa is poor. we have to change our whole view of africa. it doesn't owe a debt to the west, we owe a debt to them. we have cell phones where does the cell phone -- so many resources we have to look back. the obama family, of course, so deeply meaningful where the africans were enslaved and scene
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on middle passage across to the united states as slaves. he didn't talk about reparations. we do have to talk about reparations when it comes to africa, what we owe to africa for our civilization. >> i think we also need to unpack, when we talk about how fast the african continent is growing economically and how certain african economies are growing so fast, so many based on resource exploitation, extraction and not necessarily on economic development and wealth creation that would spread the wealth among people. also because of the nature of so many african regions. the countries that president obama chose to visit was a very selective, carefully shekted group. senegal had recently had a successful presidential election is not an economic powerhouse for west africa. nigeria would have been difficult to visit.
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south africa, nelson mandel ark, legacy of apartheid. he's going to tanzania because they recently had an election, too. that's important, extremely important. >> interesting because his father is from kenya. >> feels like there's this kind of by graphic reason to head there. thank you all for giving us insight on this. we'll talk a little more about a country who didn't go to nigeria as we shift our focus a little bit. i want to talk about environmental speech he gave but no one heard because of the language of the supreme court this week. i also want to say thank you to gordon chang, the rest of all back later in the show. we are going to talk about the biggest news on the planet you may not have heard anything about. every parent wants the safest and healthiest products
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southfork ranch in dallas for a cookout with world champion grill master brett galloway. he's serving his guests walmart choice premium steaks. but they don't know it yet. they will. it's a steak-over. steak was excellent. very tender. melts in your mouth. it was delicious. tonight you are eating walmart steak. what???!! good steak. two thumbs up? look, i ate all of mine. it matches any good steakhouse if not better. walmart choice premium steak in the black package. it's 100% money back guaranteed. try it for your next backyard barbecue. the day before the president went to africa, he gave a major climate speech laying out the things he plans to do to reduce
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greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change without any help from the no account congress. >> as a president, as a father, and as an american i'm here to say we need to act. i refuse to condemn your generation and future generations to a planet that's beyond fixing. >> that's the centerpiece of this strategy, president obama is directing environmental protection agency to create new regulations restricting carbon from existing power plants. power plants are the largest source of carbon emissions in the u.s. there's no limits yet. it's a major speech. we don't blame you if you didn't hear anything about it. president obama gave it during an extremely busy newsweek. joining us author of "gas land." adviser for center for american progress and advocacy for
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american wildlife foundation. jeff, i want to start with you. what is up with giving this speech at this moment? >> i'm not sure about the timing of it. it's welcome to see president obama with all his powers of oration about climate change. >> it is the planet. >> it has to be addressed as a planetary scale. what's disturbing to me is this plan is an advocacy for frac gas all over the united states and all over the world. if you look at not just carbon emission but all gases. methane, a natural gas is 100 times more potent to warming the atmosphere. we know now looking at field studies we have huge rates of leakage of methane going into
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the atmosphere. which means natural gas and frac gas, the bulwark of this plan is worse than coal to exploit. when we're talking about actual solutions, this is the completely wrong plan. >> this is about substituting and doesn't move us on climate change. >> good things about renewables and efficiency. really this is about frac in the united states, export fracing technology to the rest of the world and transition from coal to gas. we need to transition from coal and gas to renewable energy. we know the president met many times with the natural gas industry. what we'd like to advocate is to meet with family that are at the receiving end all over america. for scientists to say these are failing and contaminating aquifers. if you look at the science frac gas is worse or on par with coal, depending on the timeframe you're lookinging at. >> started with single biggest
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issue facing humanity on the planet. when we ask americans how they perceive climate change, they put it below the nuclear program in north korea, below extremist threat, iran's nuclear firm. all things that problematic but pretty unlikely to happen versus something that's occurring. how do you think about how we move this up as an agenda item? >> the issue is we don't actually educate the public. this is something i say. what the president did in terms of introducing this speech and plan in the busiest week. this must have been the busiest week ever. if people don't understand it and are not aware of what's going on, then how can they be involved in changing it. education has a big piece in that. how do we talk about the issue, about climate change and why it's important. why as we were talking earlier, we don't have 20 years to wait,
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for the rest of the world to catch up like they did this week in terms of marriage equality. it's imminent, happening now. superstorm sandy hang now and they are more and more frequent. people are not getting the connection between those issues. so education of the public in our schools, conservatives don't want us to educate kids about what's happening. forget about that science thing. that's silly. these are real issues and kind of dropping this in the middle of a week where no one knows it happened. that's part of the problem that happened. >> give me 90 seconds, i promise when i come back i'm bringing amy and mark into this. it is a local issue, we had the president talking but it is a global issue. data breaches can happen that easily. we don't believe you should be a victim of someone else's mistake. we're lifelock.
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>> we're back and talking about the thing no one seems to be talking about this week and
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that's the earth. one of the things president obama mentioned was the keystone pipeline. not a lot of talk about it but a quick mention. as we were talking about africa, no place has more experience with human rights and environmental degradation issues than nigeria when it comes to pipelines. >> one quick thing, on the issue of education, i just want to say the media plays a key role. as long as networks keep flashing extreme weather and severe weather, they should be flashing another two words and they are climate change. the minute the networks do that and meteorologists start talking pout that in those constant weather reports, which we need contant weather reports, i think the whole country will change. the whole country cared about superstorm sandy, tornadoes in oklahoma. right now salt lake city, las vegas record heat. we are all dealing with it, not just subsarahan africa and island nations, in those cases it matters. in nigeria, having responsibility time there and doing a documentary there how
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often a pipeline there would be a leak. the immediate response to vandals, those trying to break into these pipelines to get the oil. i can see this happening. it's never their fault, corporations. keystone pipeline is a critical issue. you focus on grassroots movement who brought it to this point. the fact the state department said it would not affect climate change, turns out the consultant doing the report, paying member of the american petroleum institute, epa saying the state department's report was wrong. this extremely significant. the fact that well over 1,000 people arrested outside of the white house saying no to keystone. that's why we're at this point. president obama was ready to do it.
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talking to someone, said i'm the only one in the white house against this. >> the discourse is always somehow jobs versus saving the earth. >> that was exactly the point i was going to make. we were talking about how so much of africa's economic growth and all the superlatives on growth, extraction now we're clawing out on the backs of fossil fuels. >> it's not economic development, sustainable, it's a fire sale. it's going in -- this the story of africans, south africa and now this is happening all across america. to amy's points when you have millions of people in 34 states invade by natural gas, you're seeing awareness rise in unexpected places on climate
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change. i'm watching tea party, marcellus patriots for land rights, on the land rights with tree huggers talking about environment, in central colorado you've got a conversation about climate change. we watch sandy, atlantic ocean, new york city subway, talking about climate change. tiff colorado springs you've got the worst wildfires in history. i think what we're talking about here is a frontline community that's expanding and expanding and expanding. >> so finally that environmental justice organizing movement actually becomes the voice of the climate change. i hate to do this, streaming at me. thank you. amy and danielle will stay with us for more. if it is a two-hour show, if i don't pay for the second hour, i can't do it the first one. coming up, who was on trial really this week. more at the top of the hour. (announcer) scottrade knows our clients trade
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welcome back. i'm melissa harris-perry. you know, when we have these big deal, fully televised courtroom events, it tends to be a witness who surprisingly steals the spotlight. perhaps they become important to the case or not. they become a main player, emblam act in the public consciousness. remember cato, his 15 minutes of pop culture fame. he became a thing regardless of his importance to the prosecution. ex-roommate of casey anthony accused of murdering her young daughter caylee became well-known for what they said in court than out. one gave a tell-all interview and garnered notoriety for themselves in the process. that brings us to the first week of the trial of george zimmerman who pled not guilty in the death of trayvon martin. zimmerman says he shot and killed martin in self-defense last year. the key witness for the
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prosecution, 19-year-old high school senior who has been described sometimes as martin's girlfriend. this week she testified for several hours over two separate days giving searing details of her friend's final moments as she heard them over a cellular connection. but judging by what we read and heard in the teenager witness, all forms of media, especially social media last week, her most indelible impact on the trial may be exposing how judgmental all of us can be. critics, largely depending on their own cultural background may have been snarking on her speech patterns, appearance, and weight. some were acting as if she were not reputable, shaming us, the race. then there was george zimmerman's defense attorney don west and his daughter molly who posted this instagram photo this afternoon with her dad and with her dad and another sister celebrating long-standing
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tradition of eating ice cream after he goes to court. below the picture, we beat stupidity, celebration cones. next to #zimmerman, #defense, hash timothy geithner dad killed it. stands against everything we stand for and the way things have been conducted. the account was later deleted. we see it because, of course, the internet is forever. speaking of lasting impressions, we must grasp how we say about and what we do about rachel reverb rates especially considering all she has been through lately. remember, this is a teenager girl whose unarmed friend was killed while she was on the phone with him. how is it the first instinct of most of us is to mock her or be worried how she represents to other. as published on npr post which said what we see says more about us as individuals than members
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of a group and certainly more than jeantel herself. joining me, reporter covering the case and trial since the beginning. also back with me the author of condemnation of blackness" and amy goodman, "democracy now." how are we to take how we're responding to this testimony. >> we talk about how black bodies are penalized, criminal ifrd. by proxy, a whole class criminalized by her addiction and grammar. outside of the courtroom see the speed the lynch mob assembled. what happens when you have confrontations in communities, streets, job interviews, stop and frisk in some communities. how do we react and how people see is. >> this issue of how we're seen, it's been a little painful to watch our public reaction to
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rachel jeantel. in my book, sister citizen, i talk about it as the crooked room, all of these negative myths of who black women are that impact how others can see us, what sort of category they put us in. we saw, for example, lolo jones tweeting something about rachel jeantel being the madea. rampell jeantel looked so irritated during the cross-examination that i burned it on a cd and i'm going to sell it. really, she's a teenager girl who lost her friend. >> that's what is so disturbing about this entire thing. what i've realized we have a way in society of meaning black people's tragedy. we turn, cut their tragedy, whether their homes are being burned down, whether their sisters are being raped and they run to their aid, we cut them down and put these videos up
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meming them and using their tragedy for entertainment. that's exactly what has been happening to rachel. we are watching this show, right, as if it is a movie, right? we're watching it like "law & order" and "csi" and all these things and saying, this is my inter entertainment. this is a young girl who lost her best friend while she was on the phone with him and didn't go to a funeral. they twist that into a lie they told. i don't know how many 19 years old can go to a funeral and see their friend lying in a coffin with their friend they were just on the phone with. >> what we see in popular culture, expectations certain kinds of bodies will experience certain things. an overweight dark skinned black woman's friend being dead, isn't that what she expected out of life? since those are the stories we tell, we think that is the story she expects to live.
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>> there's also a deeper historical problem here. first of all, this is a case where it's clear we are not as far along the post civil rights yellow brick road as we think we are. >> lots of evidence of that this week. >> a kind of fantastic oz is going to reveal there's a lot of work to do. >> i hope supreme court justices are listening. >> when we think about this historically, what we really see here is a generational moment for millennials to be on the national stage in the zimmerman trial i see as analogous to for my generation what rodney king and o.j. simpson trial was. in each of these cases we see that poverty becomes the basis for being disqualified for one's full democratic rights and one's full humanity. if we go deeper looks at the scottsboro case, 13 years old or 21 years old railroaded into one of the greatest injustices in
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history. guess who was participating in that? not just lolo jones but naacp, standard bearer middle class turned their back on those boys, too complicated, poor, share croppers' children. finally claudette colvin. here she is at the moment of challenging segregation in montgomery and yet because she's poor, because she's dark skinned -- >> she's pregnant and unmarried. >> she's later pregnant as pointed out in the book. it wasn't the pregnancy at the time. it was the fact she wasn't a proper poster girl for representing a black middle class movement at the moment. >> when you say poverty not just resource deprivation, when you said millennials, it's the presentation of the self that middle class black civil rights movements long defined as outside the boundaries of what we call the reputable movement of civil rights. i want to ask you this in part, amy, a very serious question in the context of sort of who is on
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trial. i have to tread carefully here. nbc universal in continuing legal battles with the zimmerman defense on this. it does seem like part of what hinges here in this case is whether or not trayvon martin, in fact, hit george zimmerman and whether or not he did so first. and there's images now of mr. zimmerman injured. we know there clearly was some kind of physical altercation. but why is it that if this person hit someone who was prepared to use lethal force against him. we know because he is dead, there was a person prepared to use legal force against him, why wouldn't he have a right to stand his ground? is that not racialized? is there something in the law i'm missing here? >> i think in the law the issue of who was the first aggressor, moving in on him. clearly rachel lays this out
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over and over on this phone call. he's watching me. he's following me. once he starts following him and moves up on him, that is the first most threatening part of this. i also wanted to say something else about rachel. think about this young woman in this courtroom, on one side she sees the man who admittedly killed her friend, george zimmerman and on the other side his parents. i felt eloquently, she felt so guilty when she learned she was the last person to speak to their son -- she didn't know that at the time. why didn't you call the police? remember, the phone went dead. she didn't know what had taken place. to see his parents, this causes her so much pain. it was also part of why she didn't go to the funeral, to see trayvon lying there and see his parents. she didn't intend to be that person who was the last one to speak to their beloved son. i mean, her testimony was
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riveting throughout. the honesty, the authenticity. one of the most revealing moments was when attorney west said to her, why didn't you call the police? why didn't you call the police? think about saying that to so many african-american men and women. >> for whom the police aren't your friend. >> why didn't you call police. >> stay right there. up next talk to the attorney for trayvon martin's parents, what kind of week has this been for them? s. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪ [ whirring ] [ dog barks ]
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knock knock. who's there? george zimmerman. george zimmerman who? all right, good. you're on the jury.
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nothing? that's funny. >> that knock knock joke was part of the opening statements at george zimmerman's defense offered on monday. trayvon martin's parents sitting in the courtroom. joining me now from sanford, florida, attorney for trayvon martin's family. thank you for joining me. >> good afternoon. >> we've been talking about the case a bit here. how do you think it went this week? >> i think it was a strong week. i think we started off with some witnesses that clearly put george zimmerman on top of trayvon. we heard from a very strong rachel jeantel, who was very authentic, came across as believable and told us the way it was. now it's clear that, one, we knew trayvon was fearful. he described the gentleman as creepy. we realized he followed him. he tried to get away. george zimmerman came after him after the dispatcher told him not to. that's been powerful testimony. probably most importantly, though, they promised in opening
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statement they were going to prove that trayvon used concrete to try to kill and do damage to george zimmerman. now we know there's no blood on the concrete whatsoever. they have attempted to try and play up the injuries george zimmerman had. we now know the two gashes, one was .5 centimeters and one was 2 scene meters. the serious bodily injured and life threatening injury he claimed, although you do see blood, is not there. we feel very encouraged what we've seen so far in the case here in sanford. >> let me ask you, what we've seen at the table here at the break, to what extent did trayvon martin have a right to defend himself against someone following him, who was armed, and who clearly had the willingness to use lethal force against him. it keeps feeling to me as i've been watching as though the whole thing turns on whether or not trayvon martin threw a punch, whether he was in a
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physical altercation with george zimmerman. does he not have a right to self-defense in this situation? >> he has every right. trayvon was walking. george zimmerman was in a truck. george zimmerman had to stop his truck, get out of his truck, walk behind trayvon. now you may remember initially he said he was going to look for a number, to find out what address. somehow he ends up far behind the town houses. we believe that he was going after trayvon trying to find trayvon. ultimately he found trayvon. trayvon asked him, why are you following me? george zimmerman asked him, what are you doing here? trayvon had every right to be there. he was visiting his father's fiancee there in that complex. so he had the right to be there without question. he didn't know this guy. so if a child sees a guy that he doesn't know, he has every right to be fearful and every right to protect himself in that situation, especially given the fact george zimmerman had a gun. >> mr. parks, i want to come out
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to my panel for a second. i want to ask, i think a point made earlier, millennials, where courtroom drama positions where black folks are in the country, what is the state of our citizenship. what do you think happens if this case ends, this trial ends, and mr. zimmerman is, in fact, not found guilty. >> i think trickling down from the generation that witnessed so many racial hurts and stings, what will resonate with young people, have we not arrived yet. we are living in this largely integrated society. white kids and black kids going to school together, on facebook, sharing. are we not there yet, not equal yet. there's an assumption. young people, it's a balance. goldsberg, talking to young people who feel like if this doesn't go down, what does that say to me and could i be next?
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not just for george zimmerman but my own, what happens to them. >> talking bought rachel jeantel, that -- talking about rachel jeantel, that authenticity, i just felt her. is there a way trayvon martin is this generation, representative for them? >> absolutely. there hasn't been a case as cut and dry on the racial divide as this, what it means for the future of being young and black in america. i want to connect it back to something we said earlier, we talked about mandela's history. the laws passed in the late 1950s that gave birth to the student protest movements that led to the sharpville riot in 1960 which launched mandela on his way to being this activist who had been a lawyer. >> and following up on movements, whatever happens in this trial, the fact that this case is on trial, the murder of trayvon martin is in a courtroom now is a result of movements.
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do not forget, he was killed february 26th. the special prosecutor was appointed march 11th. george zimmerman was not arrested. march 22nd. april 11th was when the special prosecutor said don't think this is because of movements. this is because i have found the facts. that's true. what was because of movements because the fact she was deciding this point. >> the public attention. >> because there was such mass protest. the media didn't pick this up for a while. you did, melissa. >> reverend sharpton. >> someday soon you'll know this young man's name. >> the reality is, though, what's really important is the idea black people seem to constantly be visiting. there is never an idea we actually belong in a neighborhood where we are unless it is a low in come, urban area. like you said earlier, things like this happen to those type of people, right? it's the idea we are perpetually visiting wherever we are, wherever we are not in the
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majority. if this trial does not go in the way where i hope that it goes, then how does that sink into the culture of young people of millenials, that they are constantly not wanted, just visitors here. >> let me finish up with you. we've been talking a lot about the impact of trayvon martin of rachel jeantel, i as a parent positioning about trayvon martin's parents. how are they holding up at this time? this must have been a tough week for them? >> it was a very tough week for them. remember, a the lo of the evidence is reputation. they have seen and had to hear the gunshot time and time again. they have seen and had to see his body laying on the ground, including the one you saw his dad had to leave the courtroom, showed his face. every time they do it, it's another experience for them. they are enduring and trying to hold strong.
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obviously it's very tough. they are very committed to seeing this through all the way. >> attorney parks, thank you so much. of course, we will all be riveted watching to see what happens next. also thank you, you're one of the people out there very early on on this question. daniel and appeary, khalil is staying with us. next, new york's mayor said too many white folks are being stopped and frisked. shake it off, folks. wow, seriously? i found our colors. we've made a decision. great, let's go get you set up... we need brushes. you should check out our workshops... push your color boundaries while staying well within your budget walls. i want to paint something else. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the the home depot. right now get $5 off one-gallon cans and $20 off five-gallon buckets of select paints and stains
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and now for that time in our show where we just say, wow, seriously? if you joined us last week, you'll remember we dedicated our entirely wow, seriously segment to paula deen. this week we are back to our normal format but i still have though start with paula or more specifically paula's fans. deen's empire has taken hits
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since she admitted using racial slurs and planning an anti-bell um wedding. she's been dropped by target, walmart, qvc, food network. oh, yeah, also the diabetes drugmaker. but in some corners her popularity has surged. her latest cookbook entitled paula deen's new testament. it shot up to number one in the amazon's best seller list well before her publisher dropped it, that is. may i offer, instead, the ron paul family cookbook? no. the paula deen cruise is going on as planned with an outpouring of support of the cruise, which has been going on for years consists of deen and 500 guests including events like cooking demos and the deen family olympics while sailing around the caribbean with stops in places like jamaica and haiti. a for exampleman for the cruise organizer described the guests to the "huffington post" saying,
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quote, we have a group of gay people who go on, there are people in their 90s, black, white, everything. everyone enjoys it. wow, seriously? now, in texas, lieutenant governor david dewhurst, republican president of the senate said friday he was planning to investigate and maybe arrest maebs of the news media for in citing a riot during wendy davis's filibuster of a bill to restrict legal abortion in the state. first of all, what riot? you mean the big group of people exercising their constitutional right to protest. those protesters were mad enough on their own. oh, yeah, what media? yes, there were texas reporters doing the tough on the ground reporting work but it was far from some kind of national liberal media zoo. we, the national media, weren't even there during the final hour. msnbc sure didn't follow it live and neither did cnn or fox.
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so i don't know what kind of inciting the media could have been doing. neither does dewhurst announced on review the media behaved itself during the debate. lessons learned by the texas governor, don't mess with treks press. new york city mayor michael bookberg pushed back against critics who say they pushed against policies that discriminate against black and latino men. he said, and i quote, i think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little? are you serious? according to numbers from the mayor's office, 87% of people stopped and frisked in 2011 were latino, 9% were white. and that's disproportionately too many whites? 44% of new york residents are white. the mayor says it makes sense to stop more black and latino
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people because according to his office 90% of murder suspects in 2012 were black or latino. he said of his critics, i don't know whether they went to school but they certainly didn't take a math course or logic course. all i can say is wow. it's a good thing you're not running for mayor again, mr. bloomberg. seriously. up next, we're counting down to the essence festival in new orleans with a closer look at a surprising health care crisis in my home city.
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i missed a payment. aw, shoot. shoot! this is bad. no! we're good! this is your first time missing a payment. and you've got the it card, so we won't hike up your apr for paying late. that's great! it is great! thank you. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. so lets start with the good news. next weekend msnbc is packing up and taking its shows on the road to join in the fun at the 2013 essence festival. the four-day celebration of music and culture is put on every year by a leading lifestyle publication for african-american women, essence magazine. this year favorite nbc hosts,
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including yours truly, will be broadcasting live from the convention center in, wait for it, my hometown of new orleans, louisiana. nerdland to nola. i'm so excited to welcome you to my city next weekend. here is the bad news. i want to turn to an innamous aspect which you are familiar. the epidemic of gun violence. you may already know new orleans is the murder capital of the united states with murder rates four to six times higher than the national average. what you may not know is new orleans public safety crisis of community violence also exposes the vulnerability in public health and more specifically mental health. the question of mental illness and gun violence is not solely about the emotional and mental state of the shooter, it's also about the communities terrorized by the actions. in particular poor your ban communities whose residents live with pervasive loss, uncertainty
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and mental health consequences of constant unrelenting exposure to gun violence. for what discussing bring back khalil mohammed, surrounded by three doctors. the director of the yale center for anxiety and mood disorders. he's also a psychology lecturer. dr. janet taylor, a community psychiatrist in new york city, the bronx and queens, she specializes in mental health and a clinical psychologist and director of doctors in d.c., once a foot soldier for us. i want to start with you, dr. taylor, in what way is gun violence a community mental health problem. >> it's a problem because gun violence and violence in general is a major health issue. when you're exposed to gun viles, you're exposing the whole community, increases the likelihood, stress, depression and mention the word under siege. we have whole families under siege, which means going to
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school, trying to eat, go about their daily lives, they have that constant sense something bad is going to happen. >> we live in the seventh ward. on mother's day there were 19 people shot in second line. you know new orleans second line is part whaf we do, what happens on sunday afternoon. the sense of siege that comes from 19 people being shot down the street from your house, no matter how much you love your neighbors and community, you can't not feel that sense of fear. >> indeed. you think it's something that has a number of deleterious effects. i would do forensic work in washington, d.c. for a lot of people from these similar neighborhoods you're talking about in new orleans. i see a lot of people saying, you know, doc, i don't want to go to school. i'm scared to go to school. one of the school where a lot of teens i work with had a young man who was killed inside of the school. >> right. >> murdered with a gun inside
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the school. i see a number of kids who say i just don't want to go. i'm scared. >> in a way we wouldn't expect the children of sandy hook to return back to that location of violence, we recognize the kind of trauma it causes. but if it's a school on the south side of chicago, we might not recognize it as traumatic. part of what we're talking about before in the case of trayvon martin and george zimmerman, these things are expected to happen to these bodies. >> that has led to a distinction between a kind of community of compassion and this sort of rhetoric of public safety. we confuse in this country public safety for tending to the mental health, the community health, the full spiritual values of individuals. in other words, public safety makes us feel good because it sounds like we're being responsible. really repressive lmpl. the very people victimized by law enforcement or structural inequalities that shape those
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communities are set upon as would be criminals. this further alienates and contributes to any range of aggressive behaviors because people are carrying guns not just potentially to deal with their neighbors but also because they don't want to get gunned down innocently by law enforcement. >> so there's a part of me that thinks, perhaps because i'm so influenced by writings that i'm a little worried about calling what people are dealing with a mental health crisis. lets go put you on the couch and you can talk it out rather than the kind of broader. what could people benefit from in terms of talking it out when there's these circumstances. >> i think there is a lot of things people can talk about, how it impacts the community, social basis and the burden taking place in those communities. when mental health problems occur we do try to say it's the individual's part. it has to be considered in the context of family, community,
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society, an important point that gets left out of these discussions on mental health. >> let me ask you this, one of the things the psychiatric community will do, medicate people with emotional concerns. these are communities where people are self-medicating in a number of ways. what happens if i'm a young person or even an elder in the community and i go for help and i'm given a pill rather than a broader is the of solutions rainfall that's up to the skill of the professional. i think we need to call out mental health issues. we still do not identify and treat depression enough and it's treatable. you do have to make the distinction between someone who can't pay the rent and has a diagnosable disorder. as communities of color, we have to lose the stigma, be open about what's going on. the other institutional aspect, bias that happens in hospitals or clinics.
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not only do we have individuals exposed to violence outside but add insult to injury inside and expectation means we don't inquire about their mental health. >> how are you doing? how stressed out are you? it's a fine line. we have to be open, there's a need for psychotherapy. sometimes you don't need a pill and sometimes you do. we have to lose the stigma of being medicated. >> i want to push more. there's a difference between if i have serotonin uptake issue versus if i can't pay my rent. can describe try tell the difference? >> absolutely you can tell the difference. that's a difference between sadness. we all get sad. we have ongoing sadness can't eat, eat and sleep too much, lasts longer. it impairs your function, not going to school, relationships, you may have a major depression and that requires medication. the key is be knowledgeable about your symptoms go and talk
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to your health care provider about how you're feeling. >> i wonder if there's not depression but posttraumatic stress particularly young men must be living with in these circumstances. how do we begin to think about so-called treating that. do we treat it one child at a time or treat the whole community? >> i think we treat the whole community. i want to get to another piece, the victimization of these young people. i think the doctor was talking about what happens when they go into the hospitals. there's another piece as well, i was telling khalil earlier, i'm a forensic psychologist and i work in a setting where i see young people who have been arrested and have gone through the adjudication process. i often end up being the first responder or doc an individual has touched base w again, we don't have understanding of mental health issues. young people are living in communities and exhibiting
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systems similar and then they end up being arrested as a result of these symptoms and coming to me. >> we're going to stay on this topic because i want to ask whether or not anybody asked rachel jeantel how she was feeling, even as we were just talking about in the case of martin and zimmerman when we come back. the same way, right? yeah. ♪ [ panting ] uh... after you. ♪ [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] it's all in how you get there. the srx, from cadillac. awarded best interior design of any luxury brand. lease this 2013 cadillac srx for around $399 per month, with premium care maintenance included. every day we're working to and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here
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biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. we're back and we're talking about the importance of access to mental health care. i want to make sure everyone is aware next week msnbc will be helping to provide mental health care in new orleans. this network is partnering with the national association of free and charitable clinics to sponsor a free health clinic wednesday july 3rd in the city. you can help. see the information on screen to donate or set up an appointment. at that clinic patients will have access not only to free mental health evaluations but also to physical screens, prescriptions and to follow-up care. so i want to go to you, khalil.
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this question, you may have been the first person someone in intake, or as you were saying, dr. taylor, first person to bother to say how are you feeling. i was thinking about that in the context of rachel jeantel, others impacted by shootings and violence. what are the community-based resources for people to say, rachel, how are you feeling? are you okay? >> sure. to the credit of the new york city council, they commissioned a tax force in response to gun violence in new york, east new york, brownsville, harlem and a couple other communities struggling with this problem. they brought together community stakeholders doing interruption work, doing mediation work, who were the credible messengers trying to create peace on the street. ultimately what they spoke to was the absolute necessity for full wraparound services. we as a task forward came up with something called shooting institute crisis management system. the idea being when a shooting
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happens in a community, whether someone dies or not, there are a lot of people who need to have a conversation, who need to have a productive way of downloading what the experience was about. some of those people never need official counseling but just need to know it's okay to release, to talk about it. in that case rachel jeantel is absolutely indicative of the kind of first response, which is i'm a professional. i'm here to talk to you about this. in harlem, harlem mothers save, an organization of parents who have lost children to gun violence. they do it as grassroots work. these mothers are there as first responders in the community when they find out about a shooting for the purpose of saying lets talk about this, because this hurts. >> you're allowed to have feelings about it. i wonder if it's a part of a sense this is a horror, that gun violence actually does hurt and you have a right to feel bad, feel sad, feel scared as a result. >> absolutely. a lot of people who go through
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different types of experiences, gun violence in the inner cities, a lot of people don't feel like they can talk about that. mental health is stigmatized. staggering numbers, the number of people experiencing trauma, depression like we were talking about earlier. we don't always have the best way to treat people in terms of the providers, cost of treatment. we can start to do difference things where we use interventions that cut across those groups and feed interventions to those people called diagnostic approaches looking at the way we treat people for symptoms but not necessarily focusing on disorders. >> when you think about violence, you don't have to be a victim of shooting or stabbing to have the end result, which can be posttraumatic stress. for women, increased pos traumatic express disorder just by having a weapon in their home, in their vicinity, in their personal space. that increases the likelihood
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they could have a posttraumatic stress disorder or incident. >> for instance, if there's a woman at or hear them. >> pointed at them. >> domestic violence circumstance. >> they don't have to be shot or stabbed. that is exposure, an under lying risk factor for our mental health. >> the most depressing statistic i read as i'm preparing for this, in my city where i live, in new orleans, our single largest mental health provider, organization, institution doing the most mental health care provision is orleans parish prison. that is where there are actual beds for people who are suffering from mental health -- as you can expect it's not very good mental health provision because that's not what prison is primarily set up for. how do we move from the criminalization of these communities to treatment of communities. >> that's an excellent question. that was where i was going. unfortunately by the time i get
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to the kids, mental health is secondary. they obviously have other issues, legal issues to deal with, similar to the men in prison. in terms of getting to ways of how to begin to push again this, i think there are a number of innovative things going on on the ground in terms of community work. one organization i work with, young doctors d.c. another one, mentors in medicine that are really working to do a couple of things. one, to meet the community needs, community health needs before they get to someone like me or before young people end up in prison. again, we know that roughly 50% of the people who are coming before the court also have mental health disorders. >> the communities with the problems are also the communities with the solutions. we have to figure out how to tap them. thank you to everyone. before we go, i'm going to remind you once again that msnbc is partnering with national association of free clinics. we'll be hosting a free one-day
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clinic in new orleans this wednesday july 3rd where reverend al sharpton will be hosting politics nation. if you want to help provide health care to those without insurance or you don't have insurance and want to want to m appointment, visit our website. up next, there is a good story out of new orleans that i can't wait to share with you. a 17-year-old cello player set to take the world by storm as she is here. i want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat more dogs. ♪
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i recently read about my next guest in the new orleans times and i said i have to have this talented young woman. she was playing the cello since the tender age of 5 years old and her years of hard work are paying off. she was hand picked from 1,000 candidates to be one of the 120 young musicians chosen to be part of the national youth orchestra, a program created by
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carnegie hall. following a two-week training residency, they will have concerts at the kennedy center in washington and travel to moscow and include with a concert in london. i am pleased to welcome angelique here for our summer concert series. me about being chosen for this. how excited are you? >> very excited. i was ecstatic when i found out the news and since then i have been on a cloud. >> 5 years old you were playing the cello. what made you as a 5-year-old say this is the instrument i want? >> first i chose violin because my mom plays violin and i went to music camp in haiti and there was a 10 to 12 cello choir and i listened to them rehearse any time i could and since then said that was the instrument i want to play. >> i told you i played in little school and high school and a little bit in high school, but i'm awful.
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listening to you is such a joy. you had the opportunity to play for an amazing cellist. how that was? >> it was unreal, amazing. the way it happened, it worked out and i'm glad i got to do that. >> what are you going to play? >> i will be playing -- >> please do play for us. thank you. ♪
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>> that is our show for today. angelique will continue to play us out.
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thanks for watching. i will see you again saturday. 10:00 a.m. eastern. we will be coming from new orleans, louisiana and the essence music festival. you don't want to miss it. thank you. ♪ human" ] [ ship horn blows ] no, no, no! stop! humans. one day we're coming up with the theory of relativity, the next... not so much. but that's okay -- you're covered with great ideas like optional better car replacement from liberty mutual insurance. total your car and we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. learn about it at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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right now is president is in capetown, south africa and expected to speak to young people there. we will bring that to you live. in egypt, they are racing if are more deadly demonstrations after a new wave of aspect morsi protests called for today on the first anniversary of his presidency. from new york to san francisco, huge gay pride celebrations are under way with the supreme court victories bolstering those events. meanwhile, an emergency motion is filed to block the


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